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Writer in Progress. Sufferer of Wanderlust. Human Sidekick.

Nic Plume

Welcome to my blog where I will be giving some insights into my writing process and the stories and characters I write about. Bear with me as I’m figuring this all out, as blogging is new to me, and hopefully you will stick around long enough to watch me evolve from a blogging newbie to a veteran.

But first, a bit about myself. If you have visited my social media accounts and website, you have probably seen the above taglines in one shape or another. So, for my premier blog post, I thought it would be fitting to explain them a bit, and in the process, introduce myself.

Do you write, or read a lot? If you write on a regular basis or follow the same author for any length of time, you have probably noticed that the writing has changed over time. The style, skill, process, etc. have evolved, refined, or just outright gotten better. The same goes for a reader. As you grow and gain experience, education, and are exposed to other writers and writing styles, your taste evolves. So, what you liked years ago, you might not enjoy now.

The same goes for me. My reading interests have moved across genres with the years, and my writing will also evolve as I go along on my journey. I have started on this grand adventure twelve years ago, but I will always consider myself a writer in progress, and that will only stop the day I stop writing. So far, I have published only one book, but I have many more planned. If you have read my first book and liked what you read; great. I’d love to hear what you thought of it. If you didn’t like the story; that’s fine too. I would still like to hear from you. And hopefully you will give me another chance further down the road when I have more books out and my process and writing style has evolved. I am a writer in progress after all.

‘Not all those who wander are lost.’ You have probably heard or read this famous quote by J.R.R. Tolkien before. I see it all the time, it seems to be a favorite of RVers and Jeep owners, among many others. It is one of mine, though I like to add ‘…but many would like to be,’ because it would be the perfect excuse to wander that much longer. Of course, having hung around the military for the last few decades, another good one is ‘Not all who wander are lost…unless you’re a lieutenant, then you are definitely lost’. But that is a subject for another blog altogether. Coming back off my ‘purple bunny’ side trail —and yes, I go down those shiny rabbit holes quite often— I love me a good road trip, and the more spontaneous, the better. One of my favorite modes of transportation for this is Big Chief, our RV. Though I also regularly hop a plane to cross the ‘big pond’ to bounce around the country side of Europe. There are so many great places and wonderful vistas, I don’t think I will ever find my wanderlust satiated. This, of course, is a good thing, as I often draw on my travels for inspiration for locations in my stories. For example, the cities of Atlanta, Mannheim, and Berlin, the mountain villages of northern Italy, and the high country of the Austrian Alps were all inspirations for locations of my first book.

Human Sidekick: Three dogs (two German Shepherds and a Rhodesian Ridgeback) claim ownership over this human…need I say more?

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